
Report 09 September 2019



A quick update after the weekend of rain and snow

For the hikers: There is snow starting at 2000m.  The paths have a light covering which will gently disappear.  The hunting season has started.  There is no hunting allowed on Wednesdays and Fridays, (except bank holidays.)

For the climbers: The Aiguilles de Chamonix are plastered and feeling very cold. Patience is needed for the rock to dry.  Likewise, for the Aiguilles Rouges, though the climbs here should come back into condition more quickly.

For the alpinists:
This morning, Monday the following was reported : 10 cm with a little bit of wind at the  Albert 1er hut (the telephone is working again),), 20 cm at the Envers des Aiguilles hut, 30 cm at the Cosmiques hut with a W wind and -10°C this morning, 15/20 cm at the Goûter hut, the snow is down to the Tête Rousse, 15 cm  at the Conscrits hut with not much wind.  

The following closing dates have been announced:
The lifts at Le Tour close on 22/09, the Leschaux hut closes on 15/09, the Requin hut closes on 12/09, the Envers des Aiguilles hut closes on 14/09, the Conscrits hut closes on 22/09 and the Cosmiques hut closes on 28/09. The Mottets cafe closes on 28/09.


Report 29th August 2019


The update for the end of August. 

The conditions have not changed much recently.


Tour Sector

The Aiguille du Tour is still being done but the conditions are very dry and not suitable for beginners.  The Col Supérieur du Tour is not recommended, the Col du Tour being the preferred option. The normal routes on the Tête Blanche and the Petite Fourche remain feasible.

Argentière Sector

The Argentière hut and the Plan Joran lift close on the 31st August.  This means a long approach to the beautiful granite climbs in this sector.

Charpoua Sector

The hut here also closes on the 31st August, (the warden has left some gas.)  The glacier (for the Drus traverse, Contamine route) is becoming more and more complicated. In descent, the parties do not pass back behind the Gros Rognon to join the ascent track.

Talèfre Sector

All the bergschrunds here are starting to open up and are becoming more awkward.   Some ingenuity is needed, especially for the Contamine route on the Moine. 
For the Moine Ridge on the Verte, the bergschrund goes on the true left.  

Leschaux Sector

Latest information here: ici 

Envers des Aiguilles Sector

No major problems for the approaches to the Tour Rouge, Tour Verte, Nantillons and Aiguille de Roc.
For the normal route on the République, please see the previous updates.

Subtilités Dulfériennes has become more awkward, one needs to descend into the bergschrund to reach the ramp.

Aiguille du Midi Sector

The Three Monts route remains possible for experienced alpinists.

Pointes Lachenal traverse: the snow last week has stuck to the ice, making conditions temporarily better.

The traverse of the Valléé Blanche is still being done but route finding through the crevasses is difficult.

It is still possible to cross the bergschrunds below the climbs in this sector: (Aiguille du Midi - Pointe Lachenal - Satellites).

Mont Blanc by the Gouter

The conditions are normal and OK.  The Grand Couloir and the way up to the hut are dry but the stonefall is no worse than usual. There is no ice on the ridge.

Miage - Bionnassay Sector 

The conditions remain technically difficult, (ice, crevasses,) for the Domes de Miage, there and back, from the Col des Dômes.

The Aiguille de la Bérangère, there and back from the hut, is completely dry.  

The traverse across to the Durier hut is very dry, with holds coming away in your hand.  It is best to reach the hut via the Plan Glacier.  The glacier is still OK in the upper part, (pass below the red marker,) providing that it is early in the day.

The traverse of the Bionnassay remains feasible. The passage before the buttress is awkward, (very dry). There is some ice just below the summit, (which is bypassed on the left,) and at the start of the NE ridge, (good crampon technique needed).

Helbronner Sector

The main activity here is the traverse of the Aiguilles d'Entrèves.

The approach to the Salle Manger, (Dent du Geant) remains very dry.  Take care to stick to the route and be aware of other parties.

Traverse and normal route on the Grandes Jorasses

It is end of season conditions for the Rochefort Arete (ice, gravel). The traverse of the Grandes Jorasses is feasible, (given that the Pointe Young is done in the afternoon.)

It is over for the normal route this summer.  The conditions have got a lot worse.


Report 22 August 2019


30cms of snow fell at the Aig du Midi during the bad weather on Tuesday, with fresh snow down to 3500m.

The snow fall, together with the strong winds, has formed some weak snow bridges making certain crevasses treacherous.

Concerning the snow or mixed routes, the new snow has concealed some of the problems caused by the ice or rock exposed by the dry conditions.  However, it has improved the situation for some passages, albeit only temporarily.

Concerning the rock routes at altitude, the rock may be snow plastered, (with snow/ice in the cracks,) or verglaced. The foreseen rise in temperatures will rapidly dry the routes, depending upon orientation.  The south facing routes are already being done

The 2 routes up Mont Blanc, via the Gouter and the 3 Monts, have been re-tracked, as has the Aig de Bionnassay traverse.

Robin Richards

News has reached us of the death on 19th July after a severe stroke of long standing member Robin Richards.  A memorial service was held recently.

Members can log in to submit their tributes or send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that they can be posted on the website. 

Report 16 August 2019


A quick update for the weekend.  There has been little change since the last update. Given that with the temperatures are now typical for the time of year and there is good re-freezing at night, the conditions have remained stable.  

Aiguille du Tour sector:  the Col Supérieur du Tour is still passable. It has been reported that he fixed rope here is badly damaged and should not be used.

The Drus traverse remains feasible.  Some parties went for the Aiguille Verte by the Moine Ridge today, (Friday) but no feedback yet on conditions and especially for the bergschrund, (more info Saturday !!!)

For the Leschaux sector: " the approaches to the Aiguille de Leschaux and the Petites Jorasses are in good condition.  There have not been any parties on the Grandes Jorasses for 10 days.  There is snow on the face above about 3800m....".

The Three Monts route up Mont Blanc remains committing and technical with, as usual, sections exposed to serac fall.   The Tacul bergschrund is awkward, there is ice on Col du Mont Maudit, and icy snow on the Mur de la Côte.

The crevasses on the Miage glacier, (approach to the Durier from Plan Glacier,) are opening up but passable if there is a good freeze.  The recent snowfall has improved conditions for the Bionnassay traverse. There is no longer any ice below the summit or on the ridge, (which remains narrow and airy).

The Trè la Tête glacier has lots of crevasses but is still OK.  On the Miage, the majority of the parties are stopping at the Col des Dômes. The slope up to the 3rd Dôme is ice and there is ice between this and the 2nd Dôme.  The Col de la Bérangère is no longer feasible.

The Gonella hut closes this weekend. The conditions have deteriorated. There are lots of crevasses open on the glacier, with ice and stonefall below the Col des Aiguilles Grises.

Monzino sector: there has been no improvement at altitude. A via ferrata has recently been constructed at the level of the Col Chasseur. It provides a link between the Monzino hut and the Borelli bivouac, giving a pleasant 2 day tour. (Information in Italian here: )  As well as the usual via ferrata equipment, ice axe and crampons are also advisable.

For the Aiguilles Marbrées traverse, there has been a rockfall in the sector of the descent. It is now probably best done there and back from the Col de Rochefort.

Ice has been reported for the Vierge / Petit Flambeau.

Ice is beginning to appear on the Rochefort Ridge. There are still some parties doing the Jorasses traverse.  (The OHM route book has recent info, cahier de courses).

Report 8th August 2019


ThTThThe first update fror August

The first update for this August.  There has been little change for the high mountain since the last report of 31st July.

During the bad weather on Wednesday, it rained up to 4000m, with just a little snow settling above that. For several years now, rain at this altitude is no longer considered to be exceptional.

The rocks will dry quickly but there is little hope that the snow or mixed routes will come into condition. Be aware of the risk of verglas on the northern faces or on certain snow slopes.

Care is also needed with the choice of routes.  A passage of warm weather, with the isotherm around 4500m and strong winds, is forecast for Friday and Saturday.


Tour Sector

The Col Supérieur du Tour is still feasible, (avoid the ice which has several unstable boulders on it.)  The bergschrund on the normal route for the Aiguille du Tour can still be crossed.  Parties are still doing the Tête Blanche and the Petite Fourche. The Table Ridge remains feasible, (care needed between the lower part of the gully and the ridge.)

Argentière Sector

The Glacier du Milieu is no longer practicable in ascent (ice).  It is possible for experienced parties to descend it, e.g. from the Jardin Ridge. (This involves abseilling a combination of two routes bolted in 2018, "Par des Anges" then "Spigolo": chain belays, 50m abseils.) More information at the hut.

Nothing special to report for the rock routes.

Charpoua Sector

The traverse of the Drus remains in condition.  It is strongly recommended to check out the glacier approach the evening before.

Talèfre Sector

The information below is taken directly from the hut’s Facebook page.

"Concerning the rock routes, conditions are good. The bergschrunds are beginning to open slightly but remain OK for the Moine, Nonne, l'Evêque and the Point de Pierre à Joseph.

The Moine Ridge on the Verte is still being done. However, the bergschrund is widening.  The lower part is dry but there is still snow on the ridge.

Nobody has done the Droites recently. The S face and the diagonal gully are very dry.

There is still snow up to the Col des Droites to reach the Courtes, despite a lot of snow sluffs off the Droites S face.  Nobody is doing the traverse of the Courtes for the moment, the ridge after the summit is dry.  Snow remains on the descent from the Col des Cristaux.

The Pointe Isabelle is still feasible though the bergschrund before the ridge is now quite wide.  Some ice is starting to show through before arriving at the summit plateau.”


Leschaux Sector

There was a major rock fall on 4/8 on the lower part of the Walker Spur, Cassin Route, (Rebuffat Diedre.) With the verglas and the small amount of fresh snow, it would be wise to avoid this route for the moment.  

The rock routes should dry very quickly.

Envers des Aiguilles

Here also there has been little change.  The direct start to California Dream is no longer feasible. One needs to start by a ramp on the right.

For the descent from the Grepon, it is best to abseil down the West face, (from the "CP") then cross the glacier to the rognon.

Plan de l'Aiguille

Crampons are advisable for the snow on the approach to the Contamine Vaucher (Gendarme Rouge du Peigne). They can also be useful to reach the normal route on the Peigne (and the Minettes Spur), where despite a good track, the icy snow in the morning can be awkward.  

Aiguille du Midi Sector

It rained all day and night at the hut, (Wednesday).  Be aware of verglaced snow on the faces!

The Trois Monts route is, therefore, awkward and much more technical than usual.  The Tacul bergschrund is overhanging and strenuous, (3m; 2 technical ice axes useful.) The same is true for the Col du Mont Maudit, (some ice, the fixed ropes are frozen into the snow/ice and not usable.)

The seracs, (Tacul summit and the lower part of Mont Maudit,) are still there!

No reports about the bergschrunds for the rock routes, (S Face of the Aiguille du Midi, Pointes Lachenal etc).  No news is good news?  


Mont Blanc by the Grands Mulets.

The hut is closed for the season. It opens again in Spring 2020.


Mont Blanc by the Aiguille du Goûter

The route has been affected by the recent rain and snow mix. The amount of fresh snow is negligible. The summit was re-tracked on Thursday.  The rain, together with the wind, has coated the snow with ice.  Good cramponning skills are essential.

Conditions are typical for the time of year: The Grand Couloir is dry, (the stonefall no worse than usual) The Bosses ridge is in good condition.


Miage / Bionnassay Sector

The Mont Tondu is still being done, weaving between the ice sections, even though it does not look that attractive.

The Dômes de Miage, there and back, remains feasible, though the ridge appears to be coming more awkward, (narrow and icy.)

Aiguille de la Bérangère, there and back: nothing special to report, there is still some snow at the foot, otherwise completely dry.

The warden is going back up to the Durier hut today, (Thursday.) There should be a report soon for the Aiguille de Bionnassay assuming a break in the wind allows the parties foreseen for tomorrow, (Friday) to summit.


Mont Blanc by the Aiguilles Grises

Little change, the glacier is OK but the exit on the ridge is awkward.


Monzino / Helbronner / Grandes Jorasses

Little change since the last update.

The Tacul bergschrund is awkward.

The Traverse of the Jorasses: Be aware of verglas (especially at the Pointe Young).  It is perhaps better to not stop at the Canzio but to climb this section in the afternoon and then bivvy on the summit of the Pointe Margherite.

The recent rock fall under the Canzio has not affected the belays. However, there is a risk of stone fall. This abseil line should only be used in emergency.

Grande Jorasses normal route: some crevasses have opened below the Reposoir. The bergschrund above is open but can be crossed.  There is no ice on the route. Take care on the final summit slope, it is not steep, but rock is rotten.


Successful Summer meet of Rendez-vous Hautes Montagnes in Langdale

Back in July, 66 women from all over Britain and Europe gathered in Langdale to meet with old and new friends and climb together in the heart of the Lake District. The 9 day meet of the Rendez-vous Hautes Montagnes got off to a great start with the evening reception on 13th July and the weather for the first four and a half days was fine and dry. Climbers visited many of the crags throughout Langdale during this early period, with climbs made on the valley's lower crags and higher crags including Dow, Pavey Arc and Gimmer.

Report 31 July 2019


Some information for mountain activities

For hikers, there is no longer any snow at the Col de la Glière. There are still some snow patches near the Col de Salenton on the way up the Buet.

There are also still some snow patches in the Emosson area:  There is snow after crossing the dam and at the level of the Col du Vieux.  However, there is a good track.   Elsewhere the snow patches are small and easily bypassed.  The Cheval Blanc and Veudale Gorge are OK.  Near the dinosaur prints the snow bridges are to be avoided, some of which have signs.  


Tour Sector

No major changes for this sector.  The crevasses are beginning to open, but not yet posing a problem. The night-time freezing is OK for the moment, given the clear skies.

The Aiguille du Tour by the col supérieur du Tour and the normal route on the Tête Blanche are in condition. There is some bare ice above the Col Blanc and the ridge is dry, (Petite Fourche normal route).

No problems for the S ridge of the Aiguille Pusrtcheller.

A party did the Forbes Ridge on 30/07 but it is very (too) dry.

There is a wide bergschrund on the Trient side of the Col Blanc. The Dorées traverse is best done East to West. (The descent from the Aiguille de la Varappe is awkward in the other direction.)  

Argentière Sector

Hut approach: no problems from Plan Joran and for the ladders, hand line in place.

The Flêche Rousse is no longer in condition. There no problem with the bergschrund for the Aiguille d'Argentière by the glacier du Milieu but there is an awkward pitch on rock just above.  The next warm period will probably put the route finally out of condition

The Jardin ridge remains in condition. (Once the descent by the Glacier du Milieu is no longer practical, it will be necessary to abseil down the S pillar and the “Pirate” route.)

Rock routes: no problems reported.


The Drus traverse is in good condition.  No problems on the glacier, no stone fall reported for the moment.

Rock routes: no problems reported.

Talèfre Sector

The Pointe Isabelle (bare ice on the summit slope,) and the normal route on the Courtes are feasible, given a good night-time freeze.

No recent news, (but expected soon!!) for the bergshrund on the Moine ridge on the Verte.

No problems for the rock routes, (Moine, Nonne, Évêque).

Leschaux Sector

Following the bad weather at the weekend, the N face of the Grandes Jorasses has a dusting of fresh snow.  Some parties on the Walker today, (Wednesday.)  The upper part looks to give mixed climbing.

The snow/glacier approach to the West face of the Petites Jorasses is OK.

Rock routes: no problems reported.

Nobody for the moment on the Périades but the Mont Mallet glacier is likely to be complicated.

Envers des Aiguilles / Requin

A fixed rope is in place at the bergschrund for the République/Grépon Mer de Glace. There is quite a lot of bare ice on the descent of the Nantillons glacier but it is still OK.

No major problems reported for the bergshrunds in this sector, (Subitlités Dulfériennes...). No recent information for the 3rd Pointe des Nantillons.

The approaches to the Dent du Requin and the Pierre à Alain are OK.

The Valley Blanche is being ascended regularly.

Aiguille du Midi Sector

There have been problems with the phone at the Cosmiques hut.  You need to keep trying.

Mont Blanc by the Trois Monts: there is a potentially unstable serac directly above the track leading to the Tacul summit and another affecting the traverse beneath Mont Maudit. Serac collapse is a known objective danger for this route.  It is up to each individual to decide if they accept the danger or not.  It is possible to see the latest image of the N face of the Mont Blanc du Tacul on the webcam for the Aiguille du Midi.  The lower bergschrund is opening up and the is no equipment in place.  The leader should foresee taking two ice axes.  

Since some time, the Cosmiques Ridge has become unstable. This includes the N side and therefore, is best avoided. The Pointes Lachenal traverse is very, very dry

There was a party on the Aiguilles du Diable traverse on 30/07. The approach is very (too?) dry.

Rock routes: no problems with the bergschrunds reported.

Grands Mulets

The hut closes on Thursday, 1st August. The 250m section of ice on the N ridge of the Dôme is covered with snow for the moment.  There have been no recent ascents of this route.

Mont Blanc by the Aiguille du Goûter

The Grand Couloir is in “normal” condition, i.e. dry with not too much stonefall in the morning.

The latest information indicates that the Bosses ridge will soon have sections of bare ice.

Durier / Conscrits

The Durier hut approach from Plan Glacier, including the small glacier, is OK.

The Bionnassay ridge has been re-tracked, (still on snow and very narrow).  There is a thin layer of fresh snow covering the ice section below the summit for the moment.  The ridge remains a snow knife edge.

There is stone fall risk and ice on the descent towards the Col de la Bérangère. Therefore, the Dômes de Miage traverse is best done there and back from the Col des Dômes.  The classic traverse is still feasible for parties of two experienced alpinists. The Mont Tondu is not in great condition but remains feasible, (some ice sections are not steep and others are avoidable.)

Mont Blanc by the Aiguilles Grises

The glacier is OK, the exit on to the ridge is sketchy, (ice). 


The rock routes on the Aiguille Croux and the Aiguille Noire de Peuterey seem to be the only options in this sector for the moment.

The approach to the Eccles bivouac is still OK by the glacier but the whole side of the mountain here is subject to numerous stone falls and rock collapses.  All recent parties have turned back.  On the Red Brouillard Pillars, only the Gabarrou-Long and the Anneaux Magiques could be accessible, for those that really want to…


Helbronner Sector

Here also everything is very dry. The traverse of the Entrêves or the Marbrées. are still possible. The approach to the Salle à Manger, (Dent du Geant,) continues to get worse, (a lot of rockfall this summer.)

A party did the Aiguilles du Diable traverse on 30/07.  The approach is very, (too?) dry.  The Kuffner Ridge is also not in condition.

The Jorasses traverse remains feasible, descending by the normal route, (still OK on 30/07).  The abseils on the Italian side from the Canzio bivouac have been affected by a rockfall on 24/07. 

No problems with the bergschrunds reported for the Satellites.




Report 19 July 2019


Some information for this weekend

Mid Mountain etc.

Good footwear and poles are still recommended, (some snow patches remaining,) for the following outings:

The Albert 1er hut from the col des Autannes

- Tour des Aiguilles Rouges (col de Salenton)

- Buet

- Col de la Terrasse from Loriaz, (the steep part is snow free.)

- upper part of the Tré les Eaux valley

- Vieux Emosson / Gorges de la Veudale/ Cheval Blanc (Dinosaur imprints still partly under snow)

There remains a steep snow field below the Col de la Glière, (the ramp is still under snow.)

There is no longer any snow on the way up to the Jonction, Nid d'Aigle or Tête Rousse.

The traverse from the top of the Plan Joran lift to the Argentière glacier viewpoint is indicated with orange waymarks and is for experienced hikers only.  For others, e.g. with children, it is necessary to descend the ski piste to Lognan and follow the normal way.

Concerning the Tour du Mont Blanc, the variants d'Arpette (suspect snow bridge above a scree slope,) des Fours, and the way up to the Robert Blanc hut (some snow patches above Lanchettes, a lot of snow from the Col d'Enclave and towards the Col de la Seigne), are now feasible for experienced and properly equipped hikers.  

Concerning the Haute Route Chamonix-Zermatt, the Cabane de Pra Fleuri is closed until the 5th August. An alternative is to stay at the chalet de la Barma, (adds about 1h30.)  It is open but the warden is only there at weekends,

The Tour des Dents du Midi is feasible.

Following a small rockfall last week on the route "Bon Voyage” at Barberine, the loose blocks at the 4th belay ledge have been removed.


There is still some snow on the Perrons traverser and Aiguille du Van but crampons and ice axe not necessary.


High Mountain

A new heatwave is expected by the end of the week.  Be aware of the freezing levels and make early starts.

La Tour Sector

The Forbes Ridge is going out of condition, 70m of ice at the Bosse, (two axes, one technical recommended.) The bergschrund to reach the ridge is becoming more awkward and bare ice is appearing on the descent from the Adams Reilly Col.

The normal routes on the Aiguille du Tour, Tête Blanche, Petite Fourche, Table Ridge, Dorées traverse, Purscheller S ridge do not present any major problems and are popular.  


Argentière Sector

The Aiguille d'Argentière normal route remains in good condition, (good footsteps on the final slope; firm snow and no ice.)

The Flêche Rousse ridge has little snow and needs a good level of technique

The Jardin Ridge is being done regularly.

Col du Tour Noir is still feasible.

The Tournier Spur is not appealing, totally dry above the Château.


Charpoua Sector

The approach to the hut is free of snow.

The Drus traverse remains in good condition, (the approach and descent glacier is OK.) It is all “go” for the rock routes.



Talèfre Sector

Here also the main activity is rock climbing: Aiguille du Moine (S Ridge, Contamine and normal route dry, good snow on the approach.)  The Evèque and Nonne-Evèque are popular.

Good conditions reported for the Moine Ridge on the Verte, (the small amount of snow remaining is not causing a problem.)

The Courtes traverse remains popular but is becoming more technical. The descent was reported to be bit awkward.

Nobody for the moment on the Pointe Isabelle.


Leschaux Sector

There are always parties on the Walker.

Rock climbing in condition behind the hut, at the Pierre à Joseph and on the Petites Jorasses W face.

Nobody has been on the Périades for a week, (should be feasible if freezing conditions are correct.)


Envers des Aiguilles /Requin Sector

The bergschrund for the République / Grépon mer de Glace is still passable on the true right, (a small slab then snow to reach the corner.)

Some of the bergschrunds are at the limit, (California Dream, Subtilité Dulférienne).

The Dent du Requin (Renaudie and Chapeau à Corne ridge) remain feasible.

Ascending the Vallée Blanche to the Aiguille du Midi or Punta Helbronner is still possible but take care with the snow bridges.


Aiguille du Midi Sector

A crevasse has opened up on the ridge down from the Aig du Midi, (a plank has been put in place.)

Trois Monts route remains OK for experienced alpinists, (with good cramponning technique.) There is a rope in place to cross the Tacul bergschrund, (small step) and at the Col du Mont Maudit, (however 2 axes are recommended.)

Pointes Lachenal, Cosmiques Ridge and the Midi-Plan traverses are very dry.  

Some parties are doing the Chamonix Aiguilles traverse.


Plan de l'Aiguille Sector

Frendo Spur is no longer feasible.

Crampons are possibly useful, (if the snow is hard,) to reach the Rouge de Blaitière pillar.

The Cordier Pillar and Charmoz-Grépon approaches are OK.  The descent by the Nantillons glacier remains OK, (almost totally on snow according to the latest reports.)

As always, care is needed in the descent gully, (normal route,) from the Aiguille du M (crampons possibly useful on the lower part of the Nantillons glacier if the snow is hard.)  


Mont Blanc by the Grands-Mulets

This is a good way to escape the usual Mont Blanc crowds. However, it should not be used as a fallback for those that cannot get a reservation in one of the Gouter route huts.  It is for true alpinists seeking adventure and calm

Generally good conditions, the Jonction remains good and the N ridge appears to be OK.


Mont Blanc by the Aiguille du Goûter

The base camp is slowly being established and should be completely operational by the end of the week, (5 tents with 8 places, 40 places in total.  Reservations to be made at by selecting "refuge de Tête Rousse" then "Bivouac / camp de base").

Crampons are needed to cross the Grand Couloir.  It is then dry up to the Gouter hut.


Miage/Bionnassay Sector

The Col des Glaciers is no longer possible, (large bergschrund under the col).

Some bare ice is appearing on the Mont Tondu but it remains feasible.

Aiguille de la Bérangère is all on hard snow, no ice.

Dômes de Miage traverse remains in good condition, (glacier well filled in and the route well tracked. However, one needs to be competent with crampons for the descent to the Col de la Bérangère).

The Aiguille de Bionnassay traverse still has ice below the summit and the ridge is very narrow but completely on snow.


Mont Blanc by the Gonella and the Aiguilles Grises

The route is popular. The glacier is OK.  The exit onto the ridge is a bit more awkward, (climb the rocks on the right)  


Monzino Sector

The way up the glacier to the Eccles bivouac remains OK, (there is a fixed rope to reach the glacier behind the hut.)

Conditions are dry with frequent stone fall.

The large gully on the Innominata ridge is completely dry, the route is not recommended.  Likewise, conditions are delicate for the Brouillard ridge (particularly below and above the Col Emile Rey, crampons are first used at around 4600m.) 

Bad conditions reported for the Grand Pilier d'Angle and the Peuterey ridge: there is ice between the bivouac and the col Eccles and the descent from the col to the Freney glacier is very dry. The Freney glacier and the Aiguille Blanche ridge, (still snow on the crest) are OK.  The GPA is totally dry, (unpleasant climbing on sandy blocks etc, then completely on ice with stone fall after 09.00h from the rocks below the summit cornice.)

Care is needed on the approaches to the Rouge and Fréney Pillars (ice present and stone fall but the bergschrunds are OK.)

The rock routes in this sector are OK, (e.g Aiguille Noire, Aiguille Croux).


Helbronner / Boccalatte Sector

The rock climbs on the Satellites are in condition. No problems with the bergschrunds for the moment. The abseil descent from the Ottoz route (Pyramide du Tacul) has been re-bolted at 30m stages.  There is also a bolt to protect crossing the bergschrund.

The Kuffner Ridge is very dry.  Likewise, for the approaches to the Diable Ridge and the Salle à Manger on the Dent du Géant, (good conditions afterwards.)

The Tour Ronde remains popular by the SE ridge integral, with descent by the Col Freshfield. However, it is not really to be recommended.

The Aiguilles d'Entrêves traverse is being done frequently (information on the descent from 05/07 ici).

The Grandes Jorasses traverse is in good condition, well tracked up to the abseils from the Canzio, after this the rocks are mostly dry.)  It is popular.

The normal route on the Jorasses is still feasible.  Pay attention to snow and re- freezing conditions.  A bivvy on the summit with a dawn descent is perhaps a solution if the temperatures rise as foreseen.


Smiler's Wake

Sadly, our great friend Smiler passed away on 2nd May.

To celebrate his life in the mountains, we invite all his friends to an evening of illustrated talks and a buffet meal.

Date: Saturday 10th August

Time: 6pm

Place: The Celtic Royal Hotel, Bangor Street, Caernarfon, LL55 1AY).

Report 29 June 2019


Some (brief) information for this week of the heatwave.

The snow continues to melt at mid-altitudes.  However, the situation has not changed greatly since the last update.

Good footwear and poles are still needed for the Lac Blanc, Albert 1er hut, Lac du Brévent and the Bellachat hut from the Brevent summit.  

Conditions for the Jonction, Tour des Aiguilles Rouges (Col du Brévent and Salenton), the sector Col Cornu/Col de la Glière/Lacs Noirs, the Buet and the Col de la Terrasse are still not good.  (Only for well experienced and equipped hikers.)

On the Tour du Mont Blanc, there is still a bit of snow at the Col du Bonhomme and Grand Col Ferret. The traverse between Arp Vieille and Checrouit is now fine for people with good footwear and poles. The "Ville des Glaciers" side and the Fours variant are now feasible for experienced, well equipped hikers. On the other hand, the Val d'Arpette variant remains too dangerous.

Some sectors in the Houches and Servoz communes are to be avoided due to numerous fallen trees following a storm a couple of weeks ago. (Col de la Forclaz, Grosses Pierres). The “Pistes et Sentiers” team are busy clearing the paths.


For the alpinists, conditions are not as bad as expected.  With the clear skies at night, there is some slight re-freezing.  However, this might change as the forecast is for evening storms over the next days.

The rock routes are the best option, (good conditions in the Argentière, Flammes de Pierres/Charpoua, Couvercle, Leschaux, Envers des Aiguilles, Satellites du Tacul, Aiguilles de Chamonix, Monzino, Dalmazzi sectors...).

Certain classic snow routes remain in reasonable condition, (Aiguille du Tour, Mont Blanc, Aiguille de Bionnassay, Dômes de Miage...). The technical mixed routes, however, are not recommended.

For more precise and up to date information on a specific route, do not hesitate to contact the Office de Haute Montagne directly.

Thank you in advance for sending information on your outings to Chamoniarde, to help them prepare the next conditions update.


Report 23 June 2019


A quick update before the heatwave forecast for this week.


The thaw continues and will accelerate with the heatwave. However, snow remains in certain sectors.  

The Tour du Mont Blanc, Lac Blanc, Grand Balcon Nord, Point de Vue (Argentière Glacier) are now accessible to those with good footwear and poles, (soft snow).

Ice axe and crampons remain necessary for those going to Jonction, Tour des Aiguilles Rouges, Lacs Noirs et Cornu, Albert 1er hut and the Buet.

As well as the risk of slipping, care is needed when crossing snow covered torrents as the snow bridges are likely to be weak.


The good conditions are going to rapidly change with the imminent of a heatwave.

The re-freezing is likely to be very poor to non-existent, leading to weak snow bridges, awkward bergschrunds, risk of stone fall and unstable snow slopes.  

The spell of good weather will encourage alpine activity.   Because of the expected rapid change in conditions, there is little point in giving a detailed report of recent climbs.  

Rock routes will probably be the best option in the coming week.  However, some snow routes will still be feasible.  The trick is to make the right choice of route, taking into account the latest information before starting out and making the right decisions whilst on the route.  

With the rapidly evolving conditions, the Chamoniarde team thanks you in advance for sending them information from your outings, which allows them to prepare an accurate update for other alpinists.  


Report 17th June 2019


Finally, some weather that could be called “summer”.

The snow is rapidly melting from the mid mountain and the trails are becoming more and more popular for properly equipped hikers.  Note: some paths remain unadvisable to non-alpinist hikers. For example, the north side of the Aiguilles Rouges (Aiguillette des Houches from the Brévent, Col du Brévent, Lac Cornu and Lacs Noirs, Col de la Glière, Col de Salenton / Buet), Nid d'Aigle, Jonction, Grand Balcon Nord, Albert Premier, Col de la Terrasse.

With a return of good weather, there is a need for prudence.  The rescue organizations fear there could be an increase in the number of accidents as a result of people slipping on hard snows.  This could be particularly bad because the snow is now in patches, meaning a slide could end up into rocks.  Also, there is a risk of snow bridges collapsing when crossing mountain streams.  

Ice axe and crampons are still necessary to reach some climbing areas in the Aiguilles (The approaches to the Chéserys and Mont Oreb are dry).

In the high mountain, the conditions are now more typical for this time of year.  The snow is firmer, with the recent snowfall stabilizing quickly. It is, however, soft in the afternoon.  Snowshoes are no longer essential.  Generally, the classic snow and mixed routes are in good condition, (assuming a good night-time freeze).   The rock routes on the S faces are Ok but it is still early for the long ridge routes and the N facing rock climbs.

Tour Sector

It is still recommended to approach the hut by the moraine.  The traverse approach from Charamillon and the Autannes chairlift has sections of snow, where a slip would have serious consequences: hikers are advised not to use this option.

Aiguille du Tour and Table Ridge are OK.  There is still some deep snow in the Table Couloir. The normal route is in good condition. 

-Tête Blanche and Petite Fourche are OK.

-Parties went today, Monday, for the Dorées traverse and the S ridge of the Purtscheller, no further information.  

-The Chardonnet is not yet tracked. The snow looks to be stable on the upper slopes of the Migot.

Argentière Sector

The Plan Joran lift and the Argentière hut are open.  Generally, conditions are good. The hut approach is by the winter route and by the ladders, tracked by skis and foot. With skis, the approach is also possible by the Col des Rachasses and the Rognon glacier.

Good ski conditions for the Col du Tour Noir.

The Couturier was done in OK condition, (some ice), the bergschrund goes on the right.   

It is too early for the Tournier (too much snow)). The N faces (Droites, Courtes) are still dry.

The Courtes NE and the Col des Cristaux have purged and look to be feasible (on foot).

Aiguille d'Argentière: this Monday there were parties on the Y couloir and the Flèche Rousse Ridge, (should be in good condition). The Glacier du Milieu looks OK (on foot).

The rock climbs in this sector are drying rapidly.

La Charpoua

The hut is open, (new tel. No.  +33667250866). There is still a lot of snow on the hut approach, not recommended for hikers.

The Y Couloir is still feasible but maybe not for long.  The same is true for the Cardinal and the Sans Nom.

The Flammes de Pierre are very dry.  The Drus traverse is not yet in condition.

Talèfre Sector

Good conditions in this sector. Snowshoes are no longer essential, though the snow does become soft in the afternoon.

The Whymper Couloir, Col Armand Charlet and the normal route on the Droites are all popular.

The normal routes on the Courtes and Pointe Isabelle are not yet tracked but look to be OK.  

The Courtes traverse and the Aiguille du Moine look feasible, (S Ridge and E Face are dry but still snow patches on the normal route, care needed, especially when descending.


The hut is open. There is snow on the Leschaux glacier; the ladders are OK.  The balcon path still has a lot of snow.  It is tracked but wearing crampons and carrying an ice axe is essential.

The snow routes are in very good condition, (SE couloir of the Éboulement and Périades are tracked). The rock routes behind the hut are dry

It is still too early Petites Jorasses. The N face of the Grandes Jorasses is very dry, though still plastered low down.  (It is too early for the Walker.)

Envers des Aiguilles / Requin

The Requin hut is open and the Envers hut opens on the 25/06.

There is nothing special to note about the approach from Montenvers; still plenty of snow.   It remains possible to get to the Requin on skis from the Aiguille du Midi.

The rock climbing areas below the Envers hut are virtually dry.  The longer routes higher up are not yet in condition.

Near the Requin, the Aiguille de Pierre-Alain and the Chapeau à Corne Ridge (Dent du Requin) are dry.  The Renaudie still has a couple of snow patches.

The Vallée Blanche has been ascended on skis though not yet on foot.

Aiguille du Midi

As stated in last week’s bulletin, conditions are awkward on the Cosmiques Ridge near the rockfall zone.  It is now recommended to reach the gap by making an 8m abseil on the NW side and then bypass a pinnacle, still on the NW side, after the gap.

Conditions are OK for the Triangle du Tacul, (need now to overnight at the hut.)  The normal route on the Tacul is tracked both by foot and ski

The Pointes Lachenal traverse is in good condition. 

Midi-Plan Ridge is tracked as far as the Rognon with a descent to the Requin hut.

The S faces are being rock climbed, though some snow remains on the ledges.

Plan de l'Aiguille

The Eugster Diagonal and the Mallory have been climbed.  (It is necessary to either sleep at the hut or bivouac at the foot of the route.) There was a party on the Frendo Spur, even though it is not dry yet.  The Papillons Ridge and the other rock routes in the area are also not dry yet.


It is now necessary to carry the skis for 20 to 30 minutes from the Plan de l'Aiguille.

Crossing the Jonction is still OK.  The conditions on the N ridge of the Dôme du Goûter have deteriorated due to strong winds, (15 m of ice, requires steel crampons and perhaps two ice axes.)  

The N face was skied on the true left, in good conditions.  The Corridor route was also skied, no further info. (Verglas on the Mur de la Côte)  

Mont Blanc by the Aiguille du Goûter

There is still no date for the opening of the final stage of the TMB up to the Nid d'Aigle.

The Nid d'Aigle hut will open on the 19th June. There is still plenty of snow above this, so it is better to via the true right bank of the Bionnassay glacier than via the Barraque des Rognes.

The cable for crossing the Grand Couloir is in place. The snow is hard on the Bosses Ridge.

Plan Glacier / Durier

The approach is by the Moraine de l'Ours with the snow starting around 2630 m. The Contrebandiers footpath, (which traverses in from the Col de Tricot,) is not yet being used; it still has snow patches.

- The Mettrier Ridge has been done in good conditions, (snow all the way).  

- The classic approach to the Durier hut is not tracked but should be OK.  (Up to now, the parties have come to it either by the Mettrier or the Dômes de Miage).  

- A party did a “there and back” and another the traverse of the Aiguille de Bionnassay on Monday; no further information.

Trè la Tête Sector

The approach remains by the Mauvais Pas and the glacier.

Mont Tondu is tracked.

Conditions are good for the Dômes de Miage traverse and the Bérangère.  The snow on the Armancette glacier is very hard in the morning, one needs to be confident with crampons.  

There has been nobody recently either on the Lée Blanche (though a party is foreseen to do it on Tuesday) or the Aiguille de Trè-la-Tête.


The glacier is in good condition. The ridge after Piton des Italiens is broad and without ice.  



The hut is open. There is still a small snow field to cross to reach the hut. Only the Ottoz on the Croux has been done recently.  The Innominata should be feasible, (needs a “hero” to break trail!)

Helbronner Sector

The Tour Ronde (N Face, Gervasutti Couloir, Col Freshfield), Aiguilles d'Entrèves, Aiguille de Toule, Dent du Géant (some verglas on Monday morning) are all in good condition and are being done regularly.

A party turned back on the Rochefort Ridge due to too much snow.

A party is foreseen for the Kuffner on Tuesday.

People are starting to rock climb on the Satellites, even though they is still a bit damp


The hut opens on the 22nd June. There is a lot of snow above 2800/3000 m.  The SE Ridge of the Aiguille de Savoie, (Preuss route,) is in mixed conditions.

Mont Dolent was done 16/06 in good conditions on skis from the Italian Val Ferret, (put the skis on at about 2100m).


Chamonix Conditions


If you are heading out to the Mont Blanc massif over the coming months check out the Chamonix conditions report of the Club website Report 17th June 2019

You will find regular updates on just that, the conditions in the Mont Blanc massif.  Loads and loads of useful local info throughout the year.  

Professor Ernst Sondheimer

News has reached us of the death of our member Professor Ernst Sondheimer, who died aged 95 on Sunday 9th June.

He joined the Alpine Club in 1974 and became a Committee Member in 1984. He was also AJ editor between 1987-1992.

The funeral will be held on Wednesday 26th June at 1.00pm - Golders Green Crematorium, NW11 7NL.

Members can add tributes by logging in to Alpinet or send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Snow Conditions 12th June 2019

Some information concerning the amount of snow that has fallen over the last two days

This morning (Wednesday) it was reported:

- Cosmiques Hut: 60 cm on average, wind affected.
- Couvercle Hut: 15 cm, the snow settling rapidly.
- Albert 1er Hut: 40 cm on average, wind affected.
- Conscrits Hut: only a few centimètres due to the strong foehn wind.

- Grands Mulets Hut: 60 cm (wind)
- Tête Rousse Hut: 40/60 cm
- Torino Hut: between 20 and 40 cm (wind)

As activity in the high mountains is only just restarting, there is no information for conditions above the huts.  Be warned, there is likely to be important accumulations of snow in certain sectors due to the strong winds. 

For the moment, (Wednesday,) there is a lot of fresh snow on the rocks in the Aiguille Rouges.

Report 6th June 2019

Some information for this Whit weekend.

Some of the lifts open on Saturday, 8th June: Bellevue cable car, Prarion telecabins (only at the weekends until 23 June), Planpraz telecabins, Brevent cable car, Charamillon telecabins and Autannes chairlift.  The Montenvers train, Aiguille du Midi cable car and the Skyway Monte Bianco remain open.


Specific information for hikers: The opening of the lifts allows one to easily gain altitude.  However, despite the start of the thaw, there is still a lot more snow above 2000m than usual for the time of year. There is a risk of slipping/falling, the paths and waymarks are often not visible and there are weak snow bridges over fast flowing streams.


Warning: Some of the classic hikes are not currently feasible, being more like alpine climbs e.g. Lac Cornu and Lacs Noirs, Lac Blanc, Grand Balcon Nord, Jonction, Albert 1er, Buet, Lac de Pormenaz, Col d'Anterne.

Other hikes are possible if one is “surefooted” and properly equipped, e.g. Mont Lachat, Chalet des Pyramides, Montenvers /Signal Forbes via Les Mottets (via Caillet is not feasible), Lac des Chéserys from the Col des Montets, Grand Balcon Sud,  (note: the Flegere cable car is closed as are most of the paths leading to La Praz), Pierre à Bérard hut.

Other safe hikes have been suggested in previous updates. The Charles Bozon piste/track is closed until mid-June due to work in progress. The path leading up to the Barberine waterfalls has been cleared of fallen trees but there is still work to do there, (crossing 2 gullies).


Tour du Mont Blanc, TMB

Since the start of the week the route is being done. There is still a lot of snow, so it is suitable for experienced hikers only; one needs good boots, hiking poles and to take crampons. The way is becoming more obvious with the passage of hikers but there are still long sections where the path and waymarks are under snow, navigation skills are needed. The variants, (except for the Col de Tricot, footbridge in place) are not yet practical.


Rock Climbing in the Aiguilles Rouges

Crampons and ice axe necessary for the approaches and descents. Be aware of closed paths e.g. Charles Bozon piste and the  Flégère sector . Climbing in the sun possible at Cheserys, Montenvers and Mottets. It is still too early for Mont Oreb.


For the alpinists, the weather remains unstable (south westerlies). It is probably best to keep to routes that are not too committing and with escape options. The SW wind and cloudy nights means the freezing level will be unpredictable for the next few days. 


Tour Sector

The approach to the hut is by the moraine.  The summer path still has lots of snow and is not tracked.  With the opening of the lifts it will almost certainly be tracked at the weekend and alpinists should not have a problem, (attention: snow slides and cornices!).   However, hikers are strongly recommended not to go this way.   Snowshoes could be useful on the glaciers, depending on the night-time freezing and the time of the descent.

Aiguille du Tour is popular by the normal route.  Table Ridge and Table Gully, (15-20m section of mixed low down.) are OK   Mediocre conditions for the Chardonnet but it is still being done.  There is lots of snow on the Forbes Ridge and the upper part of the Migot Spur fairly dry with ice showing through in places.  The descent is on snow, more or less supportive.  The bergschrunds below the Adam Reilly col are OK.

No information for the rock routes e.g. Dorées traverse, Aiguille de Purscheller S ridge.


Argentière Sector

Little information for this sector as the hut and lifts are still closed.  Some parties have done the Couturier: icy narrow section, ( possible to bypass by the lower part of the Z/Washbrum route,)  and ice showing through in the upper part, (a crevasse blocks the way by the snow dome, so it is necessary to continue higher up the gully than usual.)

A party turned back from the Ginat (unstable snow and no ice for ice screw protection.) 


Flammes de Pierre

The routes are becoming “dry”.



The hut is due to open on the 15th, (no gas left).  The last information is from 03/06: a lot of snow to reach the hut, tracked on foot but would have been easier with snowshoes, (no re-freezing.)  Good conditions for the Y couloir, lower bands well formed, good snow in the left branch.

Talèfre Sector

The hut approach by the Egralets is now almost free of snow, (take care on the moraine below the ladders.)  There has been little re-freezing over the last few days.  Skis no longer recommended, too much carrying for little skiing and poor snow quality at the time of descent.   Snowshoes are still perhaps useful.

The Aiguille du Moine is not yet in condition: S Ridge intégrale and E Face are dry but the normal route (descent) is dangerous. (wet, loose snow).  Likewise, for the Évêque (there will certainly be snow in the chimney). 

The Whymper on the Verte: bergschrund remains OK on the left or centre, the secondary gully is virtually dry.  Higher up the snow alternates between being very hard or very soft.

A week ago, a party turned back on the Droites normal route between the exit of the couloir and the mixed section, (unstable snow).  Nobody has tried it since.  

A party has done the Courtes normal route.  They descended by the NE face, (a lot of snow following the ridge.)

Pointe Isabelle is OK (with snowshoes!)

The ridge routes, (e.g. Moine, Jardin, Courtes traverse,) should be in condition soon, once the snow is fully transformed.


The hut opens on Saturday 8th June.

Latest information from the hut’s Facebook page: “still a lot of snow patches on the on the balcon path, crampons and ice axe essential. The recent good weather has dried the rock climbs.  Crampons and ice axe are needed to reach the routes.  Excellent conditions for the snow routes e.g. Aiguille de L’Eboulement, Périades, Mallet, as long a s there has been a good freeze. “


Plan de l'Aiguille

The hut can be reached by hikers via the Grand Bois (two thirds of the snow fields can be avoided by taking to the rocks). The Pré du Rocher path is not feasible.  There is still too much snow on the Grand Balcon Nord.

The Mallory-Porter and the Eugster Diagonal are being done regularly but check the freezing level.

It is still too early for the Papillons Ridge and the other rock routes in the area, (Peigne, Pilier Rouge de Blaitière).

The Aiguille de l'M and Petits Charmoz should be feasible but in mixed condition, (snowshoes useful for the approach, crampons and ice axe essential.)


Aiguille du Midi

As stated in a previous update, the Three Monts route is very awkward this year and is for excellent alpinists only, (a lot harder than the given grade PD+). An imposing serac barrier has made crossing the Maudit very difficult. One needs to go the left of the face.  4 pitches of 50m are necessary, (foresee at least 5 ice screws and some nuts). The first two pitches are very hard snow and virtually impossible to protect.  The next pitch is up a small gully of mixed, (ice screws and rock protection possible).  The last pitch is more enjoyable.  An easier line up the serac/bergschrund may have been created following a partial collapse, no further information.   

Conditions are OK for the Chéré and the Contamine-Grisolle.  There is a lot of ice on the Contamine-Mazeaud.   The Contamine-Negri has been done, no further information. (take care of the serac low down.)   It is necessary to sleep at the hut, as an early start is needed. Stonefall has been observed, a result of the bad snow conditions, (re-freezing poor to not at all).   

The Midi-Plan Ridge has been done, (there and back,) but the snow conditions were not good.

The Pointes Lachenal traverse is in good condition.

The Cosmiques ridge has become more difficult, as the area near the abseil, (where there was a large rockfall last year,) no longer has snow.  A chimney on the N side, (10m abseil) should make it possible to reach a gap where a second abseil leads back to the terrace on the usual route.

The Aig du Midi S face, Pointes Lachenal, Pyramide du Tacul E ridge, (Ottoz route,) are in good condition, (bergschrund OK).


Grands Mulets

Still good conditions here.  Good snow already from the Plan de l'Aiguille, the Jonction is OK, there is snow all the way on the N ridge and the N face skiable.  It is also possible to go and down by the Corridor route.  However, the weather is not stable for the moment.

There is now a foot track up to the hut and then on up the N ridge, giving a good, early season, alternative to the normal, (Gouter,) route for Mont Blanc.  


MB normal  route, Aiguille du Goûter

The Bellevue cable car opens on Saturday, 8th June.

Note: the 4 road up to Bionnassay from the valley will be closed all day on the 11th and 12th June, (Tuesday, Wednesday until 17h).

For a recent report on the MB normal route click  ici.

The railway track is in the process of being cleared of snow and still has sections which are very exposed, (possible to go up via the Are chalets) 

The Prefect legislation concerning the new rules for the normal route are available ici.

An artic le in Montagne Magazine on this subject is interesting.


Miage / Bionnassay Sector

The Plan Glacier and Durier huts open on Thursday 13 June.

Good conditions are expected for the Durier hut approach and the Mettrier Ridge.

Some parties have done the Aiguille de Bionnassay (either as a traverse or from the Gonella hut).  The ridge is narrow but apparently free of bare ice.  Snowshoes are still useful at the Conscrits, depending on the amount of re-freezing.

Mont Tondu is tracked, by skis only.

The N faces are still “white”, (i.e. no bare ice), but better re-freezing is needed.

The Dômes traverse (or there and back) and Aiguille de la Bérangère are in good condition.


Italian Side

Opening dates for the main huts:

- Rifugio Gonella: 7/06

- Rifugio Monzino: 14/06

- Rifugio Boccalatte: 15/06

- Rifugio Dalmazzi: 22/06


There has been little change in conditions since last week’s update for Punta Helbonner sector. The Marbrées traverse, Dent du Géant/ Rochefort Ridge, Aiguille d’Entrêves and Tour Ronde (N Face still in good condition on 05/06) remain popular. (There are foot tracks to and from the routes.  It is also possible to use skis or snowshoes).

The rock climbs on the Satellites are should soon be free of snow, (assuming they are not affected by the forecasted storms.)


Martin Moran

I am sure all members thoughts  and hopes are with Martin Moran's family and those of the other climbers feared lost near Nanda Devi. Especially as there are reports that five bodies have been seen.

The two links below are the latest information we can provide for Alpine Club members

Martin’s family have now released a statement describing the present situation. 

And Mark Charlton, Nigel Shepherd and John Cousins have posted an update from Mark Thomas below.

We will post further updates as appropriate.