Office staff

Office Manager Ewa Orzechowska


Alpine Club Committee for 2024

The Committee is responsible for the management of the Club and its operations.

President Simon Richardson
Vice Presidents Tim Elson & Nicholas Hurndall Smith 
Honorary Secretary Charlie Burbridge
Honorary Treasurer Sam Higginson
Honorary Editor of the Alpine Journal Adam Butterworth
Honorary Librarian Gordon Turner


Chairs of Sub-Committees

Climbing Malcolm Streeton


Richard Nadin
Marketing, Communications and Publications Ed Douglas
Exhibitions Suzanne Strawther

A full listing of members for sub-committees and working groups is available here.


Elective Committee

Adèle Long, Sam Poletti, Paul Ramsden and Giles Robertson


Co-opted Committee Members

Lina Arthur, Veronica Legg and Kasia Piatek


Chair of Library Council

Philip Meredith


Additional Officers 

London Lecture Organiser Derek Buckle
South West Lecture Organisers Tony Westcott & Chris Storie
Peak Lecture Organiser Wesley Cole
Lakes Lecture Organiser Sam Grosvenor
Edinburgh Lecture Organisers Tim Elson & Zoe Strong
North Wales Lecture Organiser Peter Frost
Winter Dinner Convenor William Newsom
Membership Secretary Sherry Macliver
Climbing Fund Sub-Committee Chair Paul Ramsden
Finance Sub-Committee Chair Trevor Campbell Davis 
Property Sub-Committee Chair vacant
UIAA Representative Richard Nadin
Himalayan Index Lina Arthur
Assistant Editor of the AJ (Obituaries) Suzanne Strawther
AC Newsletter Editor Adam Butterworth
Digital and Social Media Officer Adam Butterworth
IT Internal Technical Support Contract
Honorary Archivist Glyn Hughes
Honorary Keeper of the Club’s Artefacts  Nigel Buckley
Honorary Keeper of the Club’s Pictures  William Mitchell
Honorary Keeper of the Club’s Photographs Bernie Ingrams
Honorary Keeper of the Club's Monuments Charlie Burbridge


Alpine Club Library

Chairman of the Library Council Philip Meredith
Secretary Emma McDonald
Book Sales Gordon Turner
Photo Library Bernie Ingrams
Photo Sales Susan Hare
Librarian Emma McDonald