
Here is a list of lectures at the Alpine Club. Select additional pages using the numbers at the bottom.

The lectures provide a good opportunity for AC members to meet one another and exchange news, views and information. New members and prospective members are particularly welcome. Prospective members are asked to contact the AC office before attending. Lectures generally start at 7:30pm.

For the lectures in London, non-members are asked to register their attendance in advance either by filling in the relevant form on the lecture page or by contacting the office at admin@alpineclub.org (Please note that a donation is requested on entry).

Anyone who has had an interesting trip and would be prepared to lecture is invited to contact the AC Office or the lecture organisers.

Each event includes a clickable map with the address of the venue.

Events Calendar

Tom Davis-Merry - Adventures in the Andes -Climbing in South America
Wednesday 13 November 2024, 07:30pm
Contact Tony Westcott or Chris Storie
Wednesday 13 November 2024

In 2023 and 2024, Tom Davis-Merry organised two Alpine Club Greater Ranges meets to Peru and Bolivia, respectively. These meets blend classic and technical mountaineering above 6,000m with Latin American culture and the opportunity for big adventures at relatively low cost. In this lecture, Tom will share his stories from the world's largest mountain range, along with a more practical discussion about one of his favourite topics - climbing logistics and expedition planning.


All are welcome to attend and the talk is free for AC and Eagle Ski Club members and students on production of a valid NUS card. Non-members are asked to make a donation of £5 towards the cost of the lecture.

You are welcome to join us for a drink & bar meal downstairs in the bar from 6.30pm


Location South West
Upper Room of Nova Scotia, Cumberland Basin, Hotwells