
Here is a list of lectures at the Alpine Club. Select additional pages using the numbers at the bottom.

The lectures provide a good opportunity for AC members to meet one another and exchange news, views and information. New members and prospective members are particularly welcome. Prospective members are asked to contact the AC office before attending. Lectures generally start at 7:30pm.

For the lectures in London, non-members are asked to register their attendance in advance either by filling in the relevant form on the lecture page or by contacting the office at admin@alpineclub.org (Please note that a donation is requested on entry).

Dogs (except for guide dogs) are not permitted at lectures. Since these events are open to both members and the general public, we need to be mindful of potential allergies or phobias that attendees may have.

Anyone who has had an interesting trip and would be prepared to lecture is invited to contact the AC Office or the lecture organisers.

Each event includes a clickable map with the address of the venue.

Events Calendar

Tupendeo: one mountain, two stories - BRISTOL
Tuesday 22 November 2016, 07:00pm
Tuesday 22 November 2016

For those that cannot make the premiere of this film at the Kendal Mountain Festival this year, a local screening of the film will take place in the Peel Lecture Theatre, University of BristolSchool of Geographical Sciences, University Rd, Bristol, BS8 1SS on Tuesday 22nd November at 7.00 pm.

"Tupendeo" is a film about two expeditions to this impressive Matterhorn-like mountain in the Kashmir region of the Indian Himalaya. 
When Swiss climbers Stephan Siegrist, Thomas Senf and Dres Abegglen set off towards Tupendeo in 2015, they had no clue that the peak already had its own story to tell. The locals warn them that tragedy had struck many years ago. As the trio climb up the face, they come across an old rope still hanging along with a rappel device, causing many questions to arise. Who left it hanging there? What happened? Upon reaching the summit, they decide to bring the rappel device back with them and search for traces. They want to know whose story the Tupendeo was hiding.
The answer is found with Bristol ACG member, Jonathan Bamber, whose leg was almost completely severed by a dislodged rock in 1992, just below the summit. 
"Tupendeo“ shows how a mountain brings two people and their paths together and how they begin to tell their story.
Jonathan Bamber will introduce the film and share this amazing adventure.
All welcome and entry is free, but to get an idea of numbers, if you plan to attend could you send an email to jlbamber@gmail.com  with the subject line “attend film premiere”. The event will last about an hour and there will be a q/a session after the film. We plan to head to a pub afterwards.
Peel Lecture Theatre, University of Bristol, School of Geographical Sciences, University Rd, Bristol, BS8 1SS on Tuesday 22nd November at 7.00 pm.
A little background to the film can be found on the KMM website: http://www.mountainfest.co.uk/programme/event/world-film-premiere-tupendeo
And a trailer is available at https://vimeo.com/187702836
Location University of Bristol, School of Geographical Sciences
University Road