Here is a list of Alpine Club meets. Select additional pages using the numbers at the bottom. A list of past meets is can be seen by clicking here.
The Meets programme provides great opportunities for fellow members to get to know each other in the climbing areas of the UK and the mountains of the world. UK meets in particular offer the chance for members to drop in, even if it's just for an evening drink.
New members have often attended meets as guests of members before they joined and their presence on meets is particularly welcome both to widen their circle of acquaintance and to assist with maintaining that tradition of openness to prospective members. Non-members may attend meets as guests of members at the discretion of the meet coordinator.
Before attending please read the Meet Guidelines.
Interested in organising a meet? It's easy! Click here to find out more.
After several successful AC expeditions to South America (Chile, Peru, Bolivia) we are again thinking of returning to the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca in 2025. The Cordillera Blanca (commonly referred to as the ‘Peruvian Andes’) is the world’s highest tropical mountain range. Within this compact range of 180km long x 20km wide there are 25 peaks above 6,000m and another 35 above 5,700m. The Blanca is capped by Nevado Huascaran at 6,768m. The Blanca is nine degrees south of the Equator with the main climbing season running from May – September.
Alpamayo - Andrew Stratford
As before, this will be an AC Greater Ranges Meet lasting for a month between 29 May and 29 June 2025 with the option for those with limited holiday to return one week early. The programme will be flexible, with the primary plan to attempt classic peaks in the difficulty range PD to D+, with two suggested bases offering options from easier to challenging ascents. We would first acclimatise on easier peaks such as Marapaju (5326m, F), Yanapaccha (5460m AD), Urus (5423m F/PD) and Ischinca (5530m F/PD), before attempting harder peaks such as San Juan (5843m, AD+), Ranrapalca (6162m, D), and Tocllaraju (6032m, D), with the option to attempt Alapamayo, (5947m AD+, and possibly another summit from the same BC – Quitaraju, 6036m, AD/D) or alternatively Artesonraju (5999m, D) depending on conditions.
Logistics support will be provided by in the form of travel from Lima, accommodation in Huaraz, transport by vehicle or mules, possibly with a cook at base camp. This friendly meet will seek to acclimatise together, (or in two groups depending on the number of members joining) before independent pairs or teams of three pursue their objectives. The intention would be to reconvene at BCs and pool knowledge before attempting the next objective(s). Advanced Base Camps are usually only required for more difficult objectives. After a week+ at one valley base we will return to Huaraz before moving to the next valley BC.
The Expedition will aim for a core of 8-10 climbers. The estimated cost will be in the region of £2,000 exclusive of flights (+c.£850).
Applications are open to both Full & Aspirant Members with recent alpine & glacier travel experience who are competent operating without a guide in the AD to D/D+ range. Individuals without a dedicated climbing partner are welcome to apply, although it is preferable to apply as an established pair having formed and honed your climbing partnership in the UK, Alps or Greater Ranges.
We would like to give potential participants time to plan their year and have time to prepare, thus the timescale for applications and selection will be as follows:
The plan will be to host a digital meeting in mid-April for all team members and to meet up in late April / early May for a climbing weekend in the Peak District, Wales or the Lakes.
Please refer to the Peruvian Andes website and previous AC trip reports for more information and do not hesitate to contact the meet organiser to discuss any further details or to request a full trip dossier.
Meet Coordinator - Dave Palmer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2023 Greater Ranges Meet Report